The Chainlink Token Benefits And Phenomenon Explained

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[Hot Topic]: “The Chainlink Token Benefits And Phenomenon Explained”
Chainlink is an ethereum-based cryptocurrency token that powers a decentralized network of nodes
which provide data and information from off-blockchain sources to on-blockchain smart contracts
via oracles. Also, LINK is the digital asset token used to pay for services on the Chainlink network.
Chainlink is based in the Cayman Islands, and founded in 2014 by Sergey Nazarov & Steve Ellis.
An ICO was held in 2017; $32 million was raised; with a total supply of 1 billion LINK tokens.
Chainlink makes money when smart contracts using oracles pay a fee in LINK for the data.
[PS: Cryptocurrencies are volatile. They can rise or fall at anytime, so act accordingly.] 

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[post last updated on 08-22-2020]

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