A Budget Tells Your Money Where To Go

personal monthly budget

The Know-How-To-Earn Carefully Hand-Picked
Make Money Quote And/Or Phrase Of The Day

November 22, 2019

[There are millions of Quotes, And/Or Phrases, available online today, but there
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[Today’s Quote Or Phrase]
“A Budget Is Telling Your Money Where To Go,
Instead Of (You) Wondering Where It Went.”
-John Maxwell

Thoughtful Or Funny Variations
“A budget tells us what we can’t afford,
but it doesn’t keep us from buying it.”
-William Feather

“More Money Won’t Fix
Bad Spending Habits.”

-Author Unknown

“Budgeting Has Only One Rule:
Do Not Go Over Budget.”
-Leslie Tayne

“A Budget Is The Beginning
Of Anything You Want.”

-Author Unknown

The History Or Definition Of Today’s Quote Or Phrase
Wikipedia Definition: A personal budget (or a home budget), is a finance plan that
allocates future personal income towards expenses, savings, and debt repayment.
A business budget is a plan that outlines a company financial & operational goals.
It helps a business to allocate resources | evaluate performance | formulate plans.

a budget is telling your money where to go

PS You can hire a professional to do your budget, or do it yourself, but don’t fudge-it.

[Please understand that a quote and/or phrase may, or may not, be posted every day.]
Note: Submit any related quote, phrase, help, or opinion, in the comment form below…

If you are not a pro or a guru yet; here are some highly recommended
legitimate resources which could be helpful to you... (A) learn to earn
(B) build business (C) earn your cash back (D) easy surveys for you
(E) everything you need to run your business for free

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