Was Colin Kaepernick Blackballed And Is He A Martyr?

Colin Kapernick kneeling

Eric Reid #35 (Left) | Colin Kaepernick #7 (Right)

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[Hot Topic]: “Was Colin Kaepernick Blackballed And Is He A Martyr?”
In light of the recent George Floyd murder aftermaths, and the NFL Apology;
Colin Kaepernick has been inadvertently exonerated, and officially martyred.
He was apparently blackballed by all or most of the 32 NFL Teams since he
first knelt down on one knee in 2016 during a National Anthem. Colin’s knell
downs were peaceful protest against police brutality in black communities.

Read ===> Research ===> Respond ===> Repeat
What Does The League’s New Position Mean For Colin Kaepernick?

Profit Over Prophet? The NFL’s Apology Is Meaningless Until Colin…
A Timeline Of Colin’s  NFL Days Since He First Knelt Down In 2016
Why It Matters That Roger Goodell Did Not Say: “Colin Kaepernick”

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