“The Money’s The Same, Whether You Earn It, Or Scam It.”

scam people for money


The KnowHowToEarn.Com Researched And Selected
Make Money Motivation Quote Or Phrase Of The Day

[There are millions of Quotes, And/Or Phrases, available online today, but there
is only one chosen, analyzed, and posted here often @ Know How To Earn. So,
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*[Today’s Featured Quote Or Phrase]*
“The Money’s The Same, Whether You Earn It, Or Scam It.
Bobby Heenan

(Thoughtful Or Funny Variations Below)
“It’s morally wrong to allow a sucker to keep his money.
W. C. Fields

*Opinion, History, Or Definition Of Today’s Featured Quote/Phrase -Admin
In my opinion, it is actually a true statement that “The money’s the same, whether
you earn it or scam it.” In other words, no matter how you earned or obtained your
money; it will still be the same amount of money for you to: ‘use as you choose’…
However, the distinctive difference between earned money and scammed money
is morality (knowing right from wrong, and good from bad). You literally have no
conscience and no morality, if you can look yourself in the mirror, and sleep well
at night, knowing that you have scammed (stole!) money from your fellow man.

earn money or scam money

PS Do you agree or disagree with the Bobby Heenan or W. C. Fields quotes above?

[Please understand that a quote and/or phrase may, or may not, be posted every day.]
Note: Submit any related quote, phrase, news, or opinion in the comment form below.

If you are not a pro or a guru yet; here are some highly recommended
legitimate resources which could be helpful to you... (A) learn to earn
(B) build business (C) earn your cash back (D) easy surveys for you
(E) everything you need to run your business for free

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